Talking Early Years: In conversation with Eunice Lumsden
Change the Way you Greet them There is a lot of concern about recently qualified staff who appear…
January 11th 2024
I’m currently planning my Podcast schedule for this year and, in doing so, reflecting on the most popular and engaging interviews from 2023, in accordance with the relevant listenership figures. Here are my top picks (which are still available to access).
Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things Podcast Series as part of LEYF’s 120th anniversary year.
In conversation with Stephen Gribben which explores why people choose to be coached, their coaching intentions and how to get the best out of your coaching sessions.
Workout to Help with Salas… and Bring Kindness to the World Life is very serendipitous and leads to meeting some very engaging people who want to do something helpful, useful and meaningful with their time
The Year That is 2023 – Celebrating 120 years of LEYF with a reflection on what has changed over time and what has essentially has remained the same.
Why are Men in Childcare such a rare species? Given the efforts to encourage MiC, we explored why the sector has begun to slip backwards again, given the obvious benefits for both children and staff
Can the new Early Education and Care Coalition Influence the next Government? In Conversation with Sarah Ronan, Director of the recently formed Early Education and Care Coalition (EECC)
Transforming Business to Create a More Sustainable Society with the truly remarkable entrepreneur, In Conversation with Solitaire Townsend – one of the leading international voices on sustainability.
In Conversation with Dr Will Norman – the Mayor’s Walking & Cycling Commissioner, talking about the importance of walking and cycling for our health and the health of the planet
How the pandemic impacted children’s development as well as the sector’s staffing shortage In Conversation with Krupesh Hirani – London Assembly Member for Brent and Chair of the London Assembly Health Committee and the Health Inequalities Committee.
Stuart Lewis, CEO of Rest Less, began to think about a response to our ageist attitudes in our What’s Age Got To Do With It podcast
Interestingly, this mini exercise has been another reminder that working in the Early Years where we are exposed to tackling so many important issues and challenges as we navigate the economic boulders, policy changes and societal shifts that impacts on our daily working lives, this becomes the foundation of creating some great topical conversation pieces to educate, empower and, of course, entertain.
So far this year, my first three Podcasts are now lined up and I remain open to exploring a broad range of topics.
will be with Matt Arnerich from Famly. I am curious about his take on the international perspectives of EYEC both as a Danish person but also as someone working with Early Years providers across Europe and the US.
In February, I have a slot booked with Professor Ger Graus, the previous CEO of KidZania who has some very interesting views on the power of play.
I recently recorded a very interesting podcast with Andy Keen-Downs (CEO of PACT) ready to post when we launch our Prison Pack for the Early Years. Look out for that!
I also hope my dear friend, Professor Sir Al Aynsley-Green will talk to me about his planned second edition of his book, The British Betrayal of Childhood.
Change the Way you Greet them There is a lot of concern about recently qualified staff who appear…
We are all in a terrific conspiracy, we are all making money from it! Listen to Prue Leith’s take on obesity… In this podcast…
Talking Early Years – In Conversation with Dr Ger Graus The power of play is recognised within the Early Years sector as essential to children’s development. Playing is…