Health and safety
An overview of health and safety procedures in our nurseries.
We take safeguarding extremely seriously. Read more about how we safeguard the children in our care.
At LEYF, we actively promote children’s well-being, develop and use effective policies and procedures, respond swiftly to any safeguarding concerns, and work in partnership with parents and other agencies to ensure children are kept safe.
The Children Act 2004 states that the welfare of a child is paramount and makes it clear that staff have a professional duty to take action if they are concerned a child may be at risk of physical or sexual abuse or in danger of harm.
At LEYF, we have an official policy to help us deal with situations where we suspect a child may be being neglected or abused.
We have a duty to ask about potential safeguarding issues and we take our responsibility to protect the whole family seriously.
Parents will be contacted by the relevant authorities if our safeguarding policy is implemented.
All LEYF staff, volunteers and trustees have an obligation to ensure that children are kept safe and protected from harm.
Designated staff have specific responsibilities in relation to safeguarding:
Safeguarding policies and procedures at LEYF have a broad span and are reviewed and revised on a regular basis to ensure they comply with national and local guidelines.
Some of the main policies include:
An overview of health and safety procedures in our nurseries.
Healthy eating and nutrition are a priority at LEYF.
Our children experience wonderful learning opportunities every day, no matter where they live or whatever their family circumstances or challenges.