“To deliver high quality nursery education to all – and close the attainment gap that emerges before children start primary school – we require a refocusing of leadership and pedagogy through a much stronger social justice lens and a community model”

(O’Sullivan, J. & Sakr, M., 2022).

We aim to create the next generation of nursery leaders who can lead a team of professional, capable colleagues in different types of childcare settings.

What is social leadership?

Social leadership addresses challenges by highlighting the significance of warm and inclusive modes of leadership as a means of driving positive change. Good leadership makes a difference to the success of  organisations and helps them drive forward and achieve their purpose. This is no different for a nursery or any other pre-school settings.

Social leaders lead with a social purpose to create an organisational culture and pedagogical approach that fosters a fairer society for children and families, framed within economic, social and environmental sustainability and impact.

Getting quality leadership development right in the Early Years is crucial for enabling learning through a strong pedagogy, building community participation and giving children a voice.

We will continue to pioneer and share models of leadership across the sector to improve practice and increase sustainability, to drive the best outcomes for children.

National Professional Qualification for Early Years Leadership

The National Profession Qualification for Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL) is a new qualification that LEYF is proud to have contributed and developed the training content. It’s aimed at leaders and aspiring leaders who have responsibilities for leading within their setting.

LEYF is now teaching and partnering with the Teacher Development Trust, (TDT) to offer the NPQEYL for all leaders in Early Years settings to help inform and inspire the next generation of leaders.

To find out more and to book your place on this course, please visit the Teacher Development Trust website.

LEYF Coaching approach

At LEYF, we know that critiquing, challenging and reflecting on our own and others’ practice is key to driving continuous quality improvements. An understanding of coaching techniques enables us to do this in a supportive and empowering way.

Coaching is central to our approach to adult learning for our staff. We recognise that coaching conversations are the most effective way to enable others to develop their critical reflection, challenge their thought processes and extend their learning.

Coaching is the main method through which we support our staff to engage in meaningful reflection, navigate situations outside their comfort zone and reflect on their own professional aspirations.

All LEYF staff will have regular coaching conversations, both with their line managers, as part of the talent development process.

Coaching training

We offer all LEYF staff the opportunity to attend training workshops, which will equip them with the tools and skills they need to engage in coaching conversations with their team.

Teachers in training

London Institute
of Early Years

A Global Centre for Excellence

Training staff member presenting a training session

Meet the trainers

Meet our highly qualified Learning and Development team and find out more about their experience and expertise.

Girl holding up a worm from the nursery wormery

Sustainability in the Early Years

Complete our course and lead your nursery in creating sustainable impact and nurturing young minds to care for the planet.