(Mini Blog) London Ofsted Big Conversation

May 19th 2015

Welcome to the London #OfstedBigConversation. We are delighted to be able to confirm that we shall be meeting again on 24th June from 12:00pm – 5pm.
From Ofsted we are pleased to welcome:

  • Wendy Ratcliff HMI (Inspection Delivery)
  • John Kennedy (Lead Operational Senior HMI)
  • Sue Will (Early Childhood Senior Officer)

We can accommodate 45* people at the venue which will be at: NatWest Bank – Commercial and Private Banking, 2nd Floor Argyll House, 246 Regent Street, London, W1B 3PB

(* Due to the limited space, we ask that just 1 person from each organisation attend.)

We are using Eventbrite to register your attendance so please see the invite here.

We welcome people from across the sector and those involved with Children’s Centres. Colleagues from Local Authorities are also extended a warm welcome.

We agreed at the Regional Chairs meeting to operate a shared agenda:

  • Robust inspection framework
  • Complaints
  • Calibre and integrity of inspectors
  • Childminding inspections
  • EYPP
  • British values
  • Update of children’s centre inspections

We hope that both Ofsted and our audience will also bring relevant (!) issues to the fore during the meeting. I will write a blog (on Monday 15th June) to highlight the arguments and include feedback from our colleague’s OBC meetings across England.

In the meantime please tweet the invite and keep the pressure on.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes

June O’Sullivan MBE CEO – London Early Years Foundation