Get Ready for the London OBC

September 12th 2018

It’s the season of the OBC.  They are being held in Bournemouth, Bolton, Guildford, Birmingham, Liverpool, Plymouth… and London is hosting its OBC on Thursday 11th October at Bain & Co.

For those, new to the OBC, it was set up in May 2013 to respond to Ofsted increasingly aggressive and unhelpful relationship with the sector.


The national conversation as a response to engage in a mutually respectful relationship and things have very much improved. Thanks to Gill Jones and her team.


I notice on Twitter, that bluebird of deep consideration, that some people are melding the OBC with the Expert Panel.  These are two quite separate entities, and both need your involvement.  The OBC is the sector’s invitation to Ofsted and the Expert Panel is Ofsted invitation to the sector to help them consider pedagogical ideas and provocations.  It’s been on the cards for a while and I am glad that Gill Jones has promoted it.

We will be joined at the OBC by:
Gill Jones (Deputy Director, Early Childhood)
* Penny Fisher (Senior HMI)
Wendy Radcliff HMI)
* Jennifer Gee (Senior Officer)

The London OBC agenda is as follows but will have time for discussion and I will invite any additional items from the audience at the beginning of the meeting. I have added development matters as I am interested to hear whether there is a plan for change in line with assessment.

1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Minutes of the last meeting and any issues outstanding
3. Gill Jones on changes and improvements Ofsted
4. Feedback from the IT upgrade
5. Inspections, Inspectors and Emerging Trends
6. Development Matters Update
7. Ofsted Annual Report
8. Safeguarding Changes

You can read the OBC Chairs meeting minutes from March as preparation. Book your ticket at Eventbrite.