The impact of the mobile phone
It is Good to Talk! The signs of things going wrong in society are usually first evident in small children. The widespread dependence on Smartphones is…
December 16th 2019
Continuing with the Christmas Advent tradition, on day Sixteen of Christmas Advent 2019 let’s reflect on Social Enterprise childcare, should there be more?
We were asked to explore whether the business model of social enterprise (with its central social or environmental purpose) is a better solution to the UK productivity decline than the current model of focusing solely on profit.
It is Good to Talk! The signs of things going wrong in society are usually first evident in small children. The widespread dependence on Smartphones is…
Social enterprises are driven by social justice and deliver a range of public services including health, social care, children, services, education, homelessness, housing, domestic abuse, public health, leisure, culture, employment,…
Release your inner Mariah and sing this in the staff room! Ahhh Ahh, I don’t want a lot for Christmas …