Any changes to your child's sessions need to take place a minimum of 6-weeks in advance of your request.
Please Note. we require 72 hours notice for a change in session.
For Grant funded places we are unable to change the type of booking, if you child currently attends term time only (not during the school holidays) you cannot change to an all year round booking until the start of the following term. Hours can be increased and you may change your days or session type (AM to PM or visa versa) if availability allows. Please discuss with our Customer Services team if you require any further clarification with this.
Please Note. we require 72 hours notice for a change in session.
Please Note. Any changes to your child’s sessions need to take place a minimum of 6 weeks in advance of your request. If you are requesting a change within the 6 week cancellation period please discuss this with your nursery manager. For Grant funded places we are unable to change the type of booking, if you child currently attends term time only (not during the school holidays) you cannot change to an all year round booking until the start of the following term. Hours can be increased and you may change your days or session type (AM to PM or visa versa) if availability allows. Please discuss with our Customer Services team if you require any further clarification with this