Could Social Enterprises fix the Childcare System?
Why the social enterprise model could be the solution to fixing England’s broken childcare system by expanding access to the communities that need it most. England is…
September 17th 2021
It was about five years ago, when things with Ofsted were not positive, I started the Ofsted Big Conversation (OBC). Supported by many in the Early Years sector we were determined to establish a positive and constructive relationship with our regulator which had become dysfunctional and unkind.
The OBC is in place and led by Early Years colleagues across the UK. But things change fast in our sector and some of these people may no longer be around but the OBC must remain. We must have a way of engaging with Ofsted so they listen and take us seriously. Remember we are always stronger together.
Right now Ofsted is back with the new EYFS and the updated EIF. There is an updated Compliance Handbook and the Inspection Handbook (which is nice and clear) and should read back to front and front to back for good measure.
We need to share how it is for us, what might need to be reviewed, consistency of inspections and the balance between regulation and improvement. We need to think about research and the impact of Covid. So, come to the meeting which is now on Zoom.
We have invited Penny Fisher Senior HMI and Wendy Ratcliff HMI to join us to talk about all issues to do with inspection.
The agenda for the meeting will cover
* Feedback from new inspections
* What inspectors want to see
* Consistency of Inspections
* Emerging issues such as complaints
* Issues from the floor
If there are some issues you want to raise, just drop me a line and I will add them, otherwise raise them at the meeting, there will be time for questions.
Don’t forget, getting this change was tough. It took a lot of effort, so we need to keep this fire burning. Come along, send staff , bring your friend, but whatever you do just come.
I’m inviting you to join us on Zoom.
Tickets to the London OBC, 21st September 6pm-7:30pm can be booked here.
Watch out for my podcast with Gill JONES HMI which will be out by the end of the month.
Why the social enterprise model could be the solution to fixing England’s broken childcare system by expanding access to the communities that need it most. England is…
Social enterprises are driven by social justice and deliver a range of public services including health, social care, children, services, education, homelessness, housing, domestic abuse, public health, leisure, culture, employment,…
The London OBC October 2023 Thank you those who attended the London OBC meeting on the 25th October. It was interesting to receive comments from many attendees…