Talking Early Years: Twoness of Twos
Unpacking The Twoness of Twos The Government has agreed to continue the roll out of funded places for two-year-olds, with talk of putting them into schools.
October 4th 2016
Dear Colleagues
It’s time for the next London OBC, please come. It’s long overdue. We had planned the next one around our invitation to the new Chair of Ofsted David Hoare. Having sorted the date, he could not come as unfortunately he had to resign ( having upset the Isle of Wight). It’s a shame really because his language about the state of poverty in the Isle of Wight may have been clumsy and crass, I think his heart was in the right place. He was the first Ofsted Trustee in a long time who was considering how Ofsted could play its part in reducing child poverty.
However, we now have a date, a venue and an agenda.
When ? 17th October
Where? Bain & Company, 40 The Strand, London
What Time? 14:00 – 17:00
How to Book? Eventbrite link : conversation-greater-london-open-meeting- tickets-28217523372
Who is coming from Ofsted? Gill Jones, Director
For those of you new to the OBC, everyone who runs a setting in London and beyond is welcome. It’s a first come, first served approach.
The OBC was set up in 2013 initially by me but now run locally across the country by great Early Years colleagues. It is our response to what had become a very toxic relationship between the sector and Ofsted. We thought it better if we developed a means of having a good conversation to iron out our differences and make improvements. After all, the best regulator and inspector has a mature and respectful relationship with those they inspect and regulate. The process has worked and we have a much better relationship with Ofsted because of this joint effort. However, we need to keep the conversation going. Currently, the regions are led by volunteer chairs including but not exclusive:
Ken McArthur (Yorkshire and Humber)
Linda Baston-Pitt (East of England)
Jo Verill (North East)
Every region runs its OBC slightly differently to take account needs and timings but we all do it on a voluntary basis. At our annual Chairs meeting we set the basic agenda for the year and then add issues as they arrive. I will add them below.
October Meeting Business Agenda
If you want to learn more about the structure of the OBC, its regionally driven goals and guide to Ofsted, go to
Ofsted Actions from the Last OBC
These can be found at
They are as follows :
Regional Action (not addressed by the agenda):
1. The Revised Inspection Framework
Key Questions:
2. Complaints
Key Questions:
3. Calibre and Integrity of inspectors to ensure fair inspections.
Key Questions:
4. Childminding and Childminding inspection
Key Questions:
Unpacking The Twoness of Twos The Government has agreed to continue the roll out of funded places for two-year-olds, with talk of putting them into schools.
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