Compliments and Complaints Procedure: Information for Parents
Thank you for choosing the London Early Years Foundation (LEYF). We look forward to working with you to provide your child with the best possible care and education.
LEYF’s purpose as a social enterprise is to ‘change the world one child at a time’. We recognise that engaging parents in that aim is vital to its success.
It’s well known that children do better when parents and nurseries work together. At LEYF, we will always engage with you, to ensure your views and concerns are reflected in our practice and the services we offer.
We encourage you to tell us about any ideas, opinions or concerns regarding your child’s nursery, in the spirit of a parent partnership.
We are always delighted to receive compliments about your child’s experience with us or your experience of our services. We will always ensure that these are acknowledged and celebrated, so thank you for taking the time to tell us.
This type of feedback reassures us that what we are doing is working, provides a valuable source of evidence for Ofsted and, importantly, helps us to improve.